All the maintenance in one system

SabaTECH Part145 module has been designed to easily centralize all information about the maintenance of your fleet.

You can sort the LINE and BASE maintenance paperwork by aircraft registration or date.

For each check, you can automatically generate the Work-Order document, engine ground tests, release certificates, ...

The maintenance status on the first sight !

SabaTECH Part145 permits to know the real-time progress of the maintenance check performed on your aircraft.

For each task, engineers can :

  • indicate the performed work with an electronic signature protected with password
  • update the status of the task with the progress percentage
  • scan installed parts on aircraft with the barcode system
  • scan used tools with the barcode system
  • add paperwork relative to the task
  • indicate if defects have been detected during the task realization

Task detail : performed work, additional work found, tools and parts used with the release certificates, ...

Serviceable barcode sticker

All statistics about your check

Manpower overview for a check

Parts used for a check

You can have a real-time overview about the cost of installed parts and hours consumed by engineer and by day.

Document signature & PDF export

At the end of the check, Technicians can sign the documents (aircraft release certificate, ...) in the system.

One PDF si generated including :

  • Documents with signature
  • Summary of the work order
  • Detail of the performed work for each task, including parts and tools used
  • Copy of the forms
  • Summary of manpower, parts and tools

Tool Management

Tool overview (green: in stock, pink: used for the moment, red: permanent withdrawal)

Detail of the utilization of a tool

One section of the PART-145 module is dedicated for the tool management. All tools are listed with several information as P/N, S/N, next calibration date (with alert), location, related documents, ...

Tools are scanned with the barcode system when they are used and returned. So, the utilization history is easily available.


Your engineers sign the performed tasks in SabaTECH. So, at the end of a check and with only one click, all information are duplicated in the staff experience database.

Experience listing can be sorted per engineer or per date. You can also print this listing for the licence renewal by the authorities.